Short note: This website is in Beta - we are currently building everything up but you can already find the apps to download and participate! Thank you and stay safe!

In times of Covid-19

Exploring your world with Spotteron Apps in these current times is something, you can do safely. Not only is going out into the fresh air beneficial for your health, but it is also a chance to escape the current everyday routine of staying at home most of the time.

While spotting, you can easily keep your distance to others, and you can go out into the wild without being surrounded by other people on a close quarter. But you won't be alone! In the apps, you will find a community of people like you, with an adventurous spirit, who are interested in similar topics as you.

Please stay safe - always watch your steps and take care of others. Keep the physical distance and do not put yourself at risk. But also enjoy walking out into nature and discover new things with your SPOTTERON apps.

With your contributions to the apps, you not only help important projects by making observations, but you also share what you find out there with other like-minded people. Let's explore and discover your world together!

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If you want to share your experiences with the current Covid-19 crisis, please check out his app: