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In the Apps on the SPOTTERON platform, the community constantly posts new observations, interesting sightings and reports from around the world. Join up, choose your topics and become an explorer, too!

Other plant spotted by Vaughn Chadwick: “A few bumbles on the Mahonia today, but weather is still too cold for other beea” in the Spot-a-Bee App on 11.04.2021

#SpotaBee #Otherplant #SPOTTERON

Spot in Spot-a-Bee

Eine andere krautige Art spotted by Thomas Pfeifhofer: “Das war das falsche Foto der Walderdbeere. Dürfte eine Zimt-Erdbeere oder eine ähnliche Art in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft sein.” in the Naturkalender App on 11.04.2021

#Naturkalender #EineanderekrautigeArt #SPOTTERON

Spot in Naturkalender

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo spotted by Feather: “Cockatoo's growth on the eye has expanded and is almost covering the eye.” in the Big City Birds App on 12.04.2021

#BigCityBirds #SulphurcrestedCockatoo #SPOTTERON

Spot in Big City Birds

Eine andere Baumart spotted by Thomas Pfeifhofer: “Art unbekannt. Für eine Eberesche ist die Blattentfaltung zu früh.” in the Naturkalender App on 11.04.2021

#Naturkalender #EineandereBaumart #SPOTTERON

Spot in Naturkalender

Roter Hartriegel spotted by Thomas Pfeifhofer: “Wahrscheinlich Roter Hartriegel.” in the Naturkalender App on 11.04.2021

#Naturkalender #RoterHartriegel #SPOTTERON

Spot in Naturkalender

Eine andere Obstart spotted by Thomas Pfeifhofer: “Vollblüte. Vital. Viele Bienen fliegen zu den Blüten. ☺” in the Naturkalender App on 11.04.2021

#Naturkalender #EineandereObstart #SPOTTERON

Spot in Naturkalender

Eine andere Tierart spotted by Narcotics:in the Naturkalender App on 11.04.2021

#Naturkalender #EineandereTierart #SPOTTERON

Spot in Naturkalender

Haselstrauch spotted by Thomas Pfeifhofer:in the Naturkalender App on 11.04.2021

#Naturkalender #Haselstrauch #SPOTTERON

Spot in Naturkalender

Flieder spotted by Morgentau:in the Naturkalender App on 11.04.2021

#Naturkalender #Flieder #SPOTTERON

Spot in Naturkalender

Coastsnap Station spotted by Chandraratnam:in the CoastSnap App on 12.04.2021

#CoastSnap #CoastsnapStation #SPOTTERON

Spot in CoastSnap

Urban spotted by Amari V H:in the Soils for Science App on 11.04.2021

#SoilsforScience #Urban #SPOTTERON

Spot in Soils for Science

birds spotted by Hindmarg: “I'm not sure if these two juveniles are male or female. One has been here for a month and the smaller one arrived two days ago” in the BrushTurkeys App on 11.04.2021

#BrushTurkeys #birds #SPOTTERON

Spot in BrushTurkeys

Urban spotted by 5whites:in the Soils for Science App on 11.04.2021

#SoilsforScience #Urban #SPOTTERON

Spot in Soils for Science

Rural spotted by Carrieh: “Rear of house” in the Soils for Science App on 11.04.2021

#SoilsforScience #Rural #SPOTTERON

Spot in Soils for Science

Marille spotted by Andrea W.: “Die ersten Blattspitzen sind zu sehen.” in the Naturkalender App on 11.04.2021

#Naturkalender #Marille #SPOTTERON

Spot in Naturkalender

Stark verspürt spotted by Tanja:in the QuakeWatch Austria App on 10.04.2021

#QuakeWatchAustria #Starkversprt #SPOTTERON

Spot in QuakeWatch Austria

Eine andere Strauchart spotted by Magdalena Gschaider: “Geschützter Standort beim Haus, jedoch nicht direkt an der Hauswand” in the Naturkalender App on 11.04.2021

#Naturkalender #EineandereStrauchart #SPOTTERON

Spot in Naturkalender

Flieder spotted by Elisabeth Haselberger:in the Naturkalender App on 11.04.2021

#Naturkalender #Flieder #SPOTTERON

Spot in Naturkalender

SeperatorHeadlineBar 016 NatureForestGround

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