Short note: This website is in Beta - we are currently building everything up but you can already find the apps to download and participate! Thank you and stay safe!

CiVo Citizen Voice

The new citizen participation uses "Citizen Science" in their hometown and nationwide to get your feedback on places. As a result, citizens are empowered to become active in a city worth living in to collect and share data themselves and to interact with scientists. This enables them to recognize the consequences of sealing, heat, water shortages, and a lack of biodiversity, and generally, how places in their own environment affect us all.

People must be given the opportunity to take part in meaningful projects themselves and to discover for themselves what climate, environmental, and transport policies really mean for them and their direct living environment. Together with the St. Pölten citizens' platform, we are starting a first test project for more citizen participation and feedback to the city administrations.

Tagged under
  • Citizen Voice
  • City
  • Urban
  • Environment protection
  • Climate