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Taxus baccata

  • Height: mostly small tree or shrub, up to 15 m
  • Trunk: initially smooth and reddish-brown bark, flaking in broad thin plates with age, already branched at the base
  • Leaves: Needles arranged in a spiral, often parted on side branches, soft needles with a midrib on the underside
  • Fruits/seeds: Berry-like seed coat (aril), bright scarlet red, slightly frosted
  • Other: very tolerant to pruning, therefore also found as a hedge or topiary


Eibe Nadeln Janina Deutschmann 2
Eibe - Nadeln
Photo: Janina Deutschmann

 Eibe Martina Gehret
Photo: Martina Gehret

Stamm Eibe Kerstin Ellersdorfer
Stamm Eibe
Photo: Kerstin Ellersdorfer

Zweige und Früchte der Eibe Kerstin Ellersdorfer
Zweige und Früchte der Eibe
Photo: Kerstin Ellersdorfer