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Charles Risen, Pixabay


Pyrus spp.

  • Height: up to 15 m, exceptions up to 20 m
  • Trunk: dark brown shedding bark
  • Crown: narrow or broadly conical
  • Leaves: ovate to elliptical, 5-9 cm long, serrated to smooth-edged
  • Flowers: white to pink, approx. 3 cm wide, 3 to 9-flowered umbels, in April/May
  • Fruits/seeds: edible fruit, mostly greenish to yellow
  • Other: Around 1,500 to 5,000 varieties worldwide, of which only around 10 are commercially available


Birnen Tobias Erras Birnen mit Herbstlaub
Birnen mit Herbstlaub
Photo: Tobias Erras

Wild Birne Wolfgang Schödel Blühender Zweig der Wildbirne
Blühender Zweig der Wildbirne
Photo: Wolfgang Schödel

Wild Birne Wolfgang Schödel Wildbirnenbaum
Photo: Wolfgang Schödel