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Charles Risen, Pixabay

Grey poplar

Populus x canescens

  • Height: up to 30 m
  • Trunk: initially smooth, light-coloured, dark, deeply furrowed bark with age
  • Leaves: roundish to triangular (approx. 7 cm), long, flattened, hairy leaf stalk, dark, shiny grey-green upper side, densely silver-haired underside
  • Flowers: grey to reddish (male) or greenish (female) catkins in April before leaves emerge
  • Other: hybrid of Populus alba and Populus tremula


Graupappel Blätter Janina Deutschmann
Graupappel - Blätter
Photo: Janina Deutschmann

Graupappel ganzer Baum Janina Deutschmann
Graupappel - ganzer Baum

Photo: Janina Deutschmann

Graupappel Janina Deutschmann
Photo: Janina Deutschmann