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Charles Risen, Pixabay


Ulmus spp.

  • Height: up to 30 m
  • Trunk: deeply furrowed bark
  • Leaves: obovate to elliptical, with clear asymmetrical leaf base on stem, more or less hairy, serrated leaf margin, rustling
  • Fruits/seeds: round to ovoid, resembling wafer-thin leaflets with a seed in the centre, in clusters
  • Other: rare tree species, 3 species in Germany that are difficult to distinguish


Ulme Martina Gehret III
Photo: Martina Gehret

Ulme Stamm Martina Gehret
Ulme Stamm

Photo: Martina Gehret

Ulme Martina Gehret II
Photo: Martina Gehret

Ulme Blatt Martina Gehret
Ulme Blatt
Photo: Martina Gehret

Berg Ulme Wolfgang Schödel Früchte Bergulme
Früchte Bergulme
Photo: Wolfgang Schödel

Berg Ulme Wolfgang Schödel Blätter Bergulme
Blätter Bergulme
Photo: Wolfgang Schödel