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Information: Spot A Bee

Typically grows 2 – 5 m tall, but can grow into a tree, up to 15 m. Evergreen with small green prickly leaves (7 – 20 mm long and 2 – 6 mm wide). White or pink flowers which are either single or double ruffle. Main nectar flow is from September to February, with plants in higher latitude flowering early.

Sophora spp.

Grows up to 25 m. Small leaves paired along leaf stem without overlapping. Flowers late winter until early spring. Bright yellow dropping flowers found in clusters.

Grows up to 8 m. Glossy, green leaves with serrated edge. Leaves arranged in fans of 5 leaflets. Red, pink or white flowers, Purple fruit in clusters on tips of branch. Flowers Jun - Aug

Grows up to 30 m. Dark green, serrated, leathery leaves. Dense flower coverage. Flowers start as brown/ crimson cylindrical petals that are fused then separate and curl spirally. Flowers spring to early summer. Known as honeysuckle.

Small shrub to tree (up to 28 m). Clusters of white flowers on long stems. Flowers from winter to summer.

Grow up to 3 m. Dark, shiny, green leaves. White flowers with a purple base. Flowers in spring. Round yellow fruit.

Grows up to 4 m. Decidious. Pink flowers with 5 petals. Flowers late winter to early spring.

Small bushy tree (up to 10 m). Grey-green, smooth, oval leaves. Flowers may be white, yellow red/pink or violet/purple depending on species.

Grows up to 5 m. Leaves are arranged alternatively on stem and are ~25 - 100 mm long and 4 - 25 mm wide. Leaves are narrower at base, pointed but not sharp on tip. Flowers in dense red/crimson bottlebush-like heads containing 30 - 45 stamen in each flower. Petals are up to 6 mm long.

Evergreen, grows up to 20 m. Dark green, thick, serrated leaves. Large flowers (up to 12 cm diameter) with five to nine petals. Flowers may be pink, red, white.

Perennial legume grows up to 1 m. Small (11-13 mm long), yellow, pea-like flowers in groups of 12 or more on tip of branches. Flowers Nov – March. Leaves have 5 lobes.

Grows up to 3 m. Rough-hairy stem. Large flower head (7 - 13 cm wide) containing numerous five-petaled flowers. Outer petals are mostly yellow, but can be red or orange.

Grows 1 – 6 m tall. Numerous long (up to 3 m) sword shape leaves growing from a central base. Leaves are blue-grey or dark green. Rigid flower stalks can p up to 5 m high. Clumps of curving, tubular flowers 25 – 50 mm long. May be red, or yellow. Produce copious amounts of nectar. Flowers spring - Summer

Tall, single-stemmed perennial. Sparse foliage. Narrow leaves. White 'upside-down' flowers found in dropping bunches. Seed pods are large round inflated balls with multiple hairs.

Grey-green smaller leaves (30 - 50 mm) Purple flowers on long stalks. Each flower head is made up of multiple small flowers. Distinctive fragrance.

Grows up to 2 m. Oval, green leaves up to 20 x 15 cm with a serrated edge. Large flower heads made up of smaller flowers with 5 petals. Flowers may be white, blue, purple, red. Flowers late spring to early winter.

Robust and hairy. Similar to a honeybee, but smaller (5 - 12 mm long). Black body. Often observed carring pollen on back legs. Dig nests in ground. Difference species prefer different soil types, including sand.

7-9 mm long, slender body. Almost hairless. Black body with small yellow markings on face and thorax. Do not have pollen baskets on legs. Nests in blind tunnels in twigs and branches or holes in logs.

4 - 8 mm long. Black or greenish. Moderately hairy. Often nests along fencelines and stopbanks and ditch sides.

Black with yellow bands. Body length is between 15 - 22 mm. Has a long face and tongue, allowing it to feed from long-tubed flowers. Tounge is often outstretched as bee approaches flower.

Colourings on species are variable. The thorax is yellow-black-yellow (although the second band is sometimes lost in females). The abdomen is variable and may be a white to buff-colour.

Grows up to 18 m. Flaky bark. Clusters of small white flowers with bright red centre. Five triangular septals (1 mm long) and five petals (2 mm long). Leaves are small (25 mm long) and soft to touch. Flowers Nov - March.

Large, sprawling coastal tree. Grows up to 20 m with multi-trunks and canopy spreading up to 50 m. Leathery oval green leaves. Dense population of red bristly flower with mass of stamens (bottle-brush like). Flowers in summer.

Palm-like tree, grows up to 20 m. Slender trunk. Numerous sword-like long leaves (up to 1.5 m) dark to light green. Large, dense flower spikes (60 – 100 cm long) containing numerous small (6 mm) white flowers. Flowers spring to early summer.